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Ponds love conquers

episode 1

episode 2

episode 3

episode 4

 why the theme of love is used to endrose pond’s?

The Questions:
1. Provide analysis
2. Eleborate the relevant of love, white and Pond's?

The Answers:

1. Because pond’s is a product to make the facial skin will be more brighter and that is intended for the skin of Asian’s women. Love usually begins with vision or visual terms and Pond’s Flawless White Love Conquers All’s theme can be gotten by the product of pond’s as they realize what the love is.

2. Connections of love, white and pond’s are because love usually is symbolized by white and pond’s is a product which can help the Asian’s women to get the attractiveness by the bright blush’s face and then love comes in.

The Makers Names:
Indah Febriani
Ira Jeany Savitri
Julia Puspa
Maulina Widyaningsih


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